Hazrat imam hussain ra biography examples

Imam hussain birthday islamic date

Imam Hussain (A.S) is the son of Imam Ali (A.S) and Fatima (S.A) the daughter of Holy Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H).
hazrat imam hussain ra biography examples

Imam hussain family tree

حضرت ابو ہریرہؓ سے روایت ہے فرماتے ہیں کہ حضرت حسینؓ کا جسم نبی کریمﷺ کے جسد اطہر سے بہت مشابہ تھا۔.

Husayn ibn ali children

Chroniclers and historians have individually remarked that Imam Hussain was the maifestation of the best examples of noble manners and conduct, as well as his vast Missing: examples.

Hazrat imam hussain roza mubarak in which country
Imam Hussain spent his childhood in the laps of Holy Prophet Sallalaho Alyhe Wasalam has gifted him all his qualities in such a way that he seem to be the copy of the Holy Prophet .