Guru ravidas ji maharaj biography of alberta

Guru ravidas ji maharaj biography of alberta health

Ravidas or Raidas (–) was an Indian mystic poet-saint of the Bhakti movement during the 15th to 16th century CE. Venerated as a guru (spiritual teacher) in the modern regions of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Punjab, and Haryana, he was a poet, social See more.

guru ravidas ji maharaj biography of alberta

Guru ravidas ji maharaj biography of alberta

Ravidas or Raidas (– [1]) was an Indian mystic poet-saint of excellence Bhakti movement during the 15th to 16th hundred CE. [2] [3] Venerated as a guru (spiritual teacher) be sure about the .

Guru ravidas ji maharaj biography of alberta canada

Guru Ravidass ji (Ravi=Sun) was such a MESSENGER who came to this world from the ALMIGHTY GOD in the year of the Vikram era ( A.D.) on the Full-Moon (Puran Missing: alberta.

Guru ravidas ji maharaj biography of alberta university
Guru Ravidass Ji was a great saint of me- dieval Age who remained contented with his mini- mum belongings and resources of livelihood.