Fete de ste jeanne jugan biography
Jeanne Jugan (25 October – 29 August ), religious name Mary of the Cross, was a French religious sister who became known for the dedication of her life to the neediest of the elderly poor.
Fete de ste jeanne jugan biography
Fêtée le 30 août, sainte Jeanne Jugan (soeur Marie de la Croix) est née le 25 octobre et décédée le 28 août en Ille-et-Vilaine.
Fete de ste jeanne jugan biography images of death
Fete de ste jeanne jugan biography wikipedia
St Mary of the Cross (in the world: Jeanne Jugan) was born at Cancale, in Brittany, France, on 25 October in the turbulent period of the French Revolution.