Bessie smith biography for children

10 interesting facts about bessie smith

In the American census, Bessie Smith's mother, Laura Smith, said that Bessie was born in Chachanooga, Tennesseein July In the census in , her sister, Viola Smith said that Bessie's birthday was April 15, That is the date that is on all later documents, and was the one that Smith used.

bessie smith biography for children

Bessie smith siblings

One of the greatest of the blues singers, Bessie Smith sang of the cares and troubles she had known—of poverty and oppression, of love and indifference.

Bessie smith family

The legendary jazz singer, Bessie Smith, was born on April 15, , in Chattanooga, Tennessee.

Bessie smith childhood
Bessie Smith (July 9, or April 15, – September 26, ) was an American blues singer.