Adi shankaracharya birth date

Shankaracharya date of birth and death

The exact dates of birth of Adi Shankaracharya believed by four monasteries are Dvārakā at BCE, [note 8] Jyotirmath at BCE, Jagannatha Puri at BCE and Sringeri at BCE. [ 42 ] while according to the Kanchipuram Peetham Adi Shankara was born in Kali ( BCE).
adi shankaracharya birth date

How did adi shankara died

Let's see whether he lived in 1st century BC (44 BC to 12 BC): Sringeri mutt established by Shankara, records Shankara was born in 14th year from the era of .

Shankaracharya was born in which century

Majority of the people would say Adi Shankara was born in AD at Kaladi in Kerala and died in AD. But the three monasteries among the four set up by .

Shankaracharya wikipedia
Summary: Adi Shankaracharya belonged to the 5th century BC only and this has been corroborated by various authentic records.